Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Power Within You to Forgive

I have been thinking a lot about forgiveness lately. When people say “I forgive you” for a perceived wrong, it is a tad bit backwards and truthfully sanctimonious.

Recently, I was in the act of forgiving a friend for an injustice that I felt had been done to me. I felt she hurt me. Then it dawned on me, that she didn’t do anything, I had by my own omission of silence, had done it to myself.

You see when we give up our power to live in truth and harmony, or ask others to control our happiness; we often end up in situations that cause us pain. The awareness that we let their behavior interfere with our reality is quite startling.

Today the power is yours. Choose to forgive yourself of any grudges, angry thoughts, and misappropriate actions towards others. Give yourself permission, to live a life that blesses other people’s decisions. No, you don’t have to agree, but celebrate their freedom of choice.

Give power to the forgiveness within in you and be
free and open to an expression of love.


Anonymous said...

I can relate to this post. It is very empowering to shift from a sense of victim to a sense of taking control of my own growth and choice to generate positive feelings.

The more I say things like 'I forgive myself,' is a very powerful thing. What we usually think about a person creates energy and attracts certain energy vibration which serves or does not serve personal growth. I like how this sounds. It is really thrilling I can love, forgive, shape my life story any way I choose. People have their own unlimited opportunities and inner power to do this, anytime. You have to feel it first and then the realisation of vibrations will come. This has implications in how we each experience life.

Bruno LoGreco said...

I forgive myself. I forgive myself for placing expectations on others and to think I deserve an apology..

Excellent post Sandra!!

Robin Easton said...

Oh yes, the incredible power of self-forgiveness. I am working on a post that I will probably do next week sometime about this very issue. There is something so healing and compassionate about loving and forgiving ourselves. It moves me to tears.

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me that forgiveness deepens your insight into joy, love, empowerment, freedom and passion. You rediscover your inner power to rise above emotions you no longer need. Lessons learned means you can move onward your way.

Sandra said...

Bruno, Liara, and Robin, thanks to all of you for your thoughts on this important topic. The power to forgive ourselves is one of the best healing techniques that we have and can share with others. Peace :-)

Sandra said...

Like your post.
I have a hard time forgiving myself. Others are easy to forgive.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Sandra. It is easier to forgive others but when we have to forgive ourselves it is a chore. But each time we do it becomes easier. Peace :-)