Monday, October 13, 2008

Say No to Complaining

I recently had the pleasure of reading “The No Complaining Rule” by Jon Gordon. What a fun story. It is great tale of how complaining and negativity in the workplace not only ruins our attitude at work but spills over to our personal lives.

Yes once again, this blog post is reeking of a Pollyanna moment but hey. I loved the premise of this book. I thought about how all of us can apply these simple concepts in our topsy-turvy world. In the No Complaining Rule, Gordon gives us five things we can do right now instead of complaining.

1) Practice Gratitude

2) Praise Others

3) Focus on Success

4) Let Go

5) Pray and Meditate.

If you do nothing else today but follow rule #1) and have an attitude of gratitude, your world will be a much brighter place. As the books says, Positive or Negative the choice is yours.

Hint! Choose Positive!


Robin Easton said...

Ooooh this is right up my alley!! I love it, you ol' Pollyanna you. See I am the same way. I'm a total Pollyanna as I told you.

I really like the points you listed here. If we lived even just by these points alone we would bring about immense positive change. This is a good post! One to live out lives by. Thank you!!

Robin Easton said...

PS I REALLY like that "practice gratitude". It is SO powerful and it alone can change our outlook.

Anonymous said...

This is a very uplifting post. You remind readers they have choices about how to think, what to feel, and with whom they will identify. I am grateful for your efforts to empower people to raise their own awareness about their own choices.

Sandra said...

I think I am going to do a post all about the benefits of a Pollyana attitude. You with me? :-)

Sandra said...

Thanks so much for your kind words. You, too are an inspiration to all. Peace :-)