I know I know it goes totally against what your parents told you. But just think about it, dessert at the end of the meal is usually yummy, rich and puts a smile on your face. Right…..
Well if that is the case, shouldn’t everything that we do in life be like a really good dessert. Now all the healthy conscious people please don’t shudder. I mean it with the best of intentions. Life is to be enjoyed. We even make guilt an association with pleasure e.g. (guilty pleasure). Well today let go of the guilt. Take pleasure in the fact that you can live your best life by fully indulging in a bit of fun.
Often what we want to do feels naughty just because we are having fun. Not today. Today I charge you with doing what you feel with no guilt attached. For some it might be curling up with a good book on a Saturday afternoon, it could be taking the day off for a mental health day, stopping to wiggle your toes in the sand, or even just taking a catnap in the middle of the day.
Well if that is the case, shouldn’t everything that we do in life be like a really good dessert. Now all the healthy conscious people please don’t shudder. I mean it with the best of intentions. Life is to be enjoyed. We even make guilt an association with pleasure e.g. (guilty pleasure). Well today let go of the guilt. Take pleasure in the fact that you can live your best life by fully indulging in a bit of fun.
Often what we want to do feels naughty just because we are having fun. Not today. Today I charge you with doing what you feel with no guilt attached. For some it might be curling up with a good book on a Saturday afternoon, it could be taking the day off for a mental health day, stopping to wiggle your toes in the sand, or even just taking a catnap in the middle of the day.
Whatever your pleasure ….... Eat your dessert first and do something that you enjoy!
This is SUCH an important post. I agree with you 100%. Even if someone eats really healthy like I do...I've decided that one night a week when my sweetheart and go out or do something relaxing to let myself eat what I want. I need to incorporate this in more ways into my life. Like...even though my work schedule is really intense right now that I take 3 early mornings a week and go for a "guilt free" hike and do nature photography which I love. The thing is that whenever I do any of these treating myself type things I ALWAYS feel better, fresher, more renewed. This is excellent advice that I need to apply to more areas of my life. Thank you SO SO SO much for posting this. Hugs, Robin
oddly enough, that is exactly what I did both Saturday and Sunday :)
You’re Welcome. Isn’t it fun to do what you want and what you love? :-) By the way, what is your favorite dessert? I have a sweet tooth so I am usually up for just about anything.
Hugs back,
I think my all time favorite desert is an eclair. Real bakery/homemade type ones. That and my Mom's Danish Puff!!! Now THAT is to die for!!! LOL :)
What a positive post Sandra!
And ok, ok I did not shudder from a healthy conscious point of view ;)
Anyway you really got it in this post - the point of it all is to enjoy it! So whatever it is as you said, don't feel bad or guilty, those feelings never move us forward but push us back. Enjoy what you love as that is really all that should matter.
Two part reason for this note…
1) I’ve been reading through your posts and am really enjoying your insights. Thanks for taking the time to keep up the blog!
2) Would you be interested in receiving a copy of “The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work,” a newly released book by Jon Gordon? We’re interested in a review of the book or its concepts. I think you’d enjoy the premise of the book and some of the stats that Jon speaks to… such as how negativity costs companies $250-300 billion a year, according to Gallup. How various surveys say that 70-80% of people hate their jobs. And how more people die Monday morning at 9am than any other time. It’s really a book about developing positive solutions. This is not a bullet points, 10-step program book. It's a real story with characters and drama. Readers learn a ton in the process.
I work with Jon and since you are a thought leader whom I respect I’d love to get your feedback about dealing with negativity in the workplace and people's daily lives. You can check out more about the book and watch few short promo videos we’ve made by going to www.NoComplainingRule.com. There’s a part in the first one where the boss head butts an employee for complaining. It’s hilarious!
Thanks and please let me know if you’d like to check out the book.
:: Jim Van Allan
I love cake with good frosting....to be truthful I love the frosting the best. Also love cheesecake; actually there are very few desserts that I don't love. Lol :-)
What dessert did you have?
Thanks for stopping by. What is your favorite dessert?
Thanks for stopping by and thanks also for the compliment/
Wonderful advice! I think I'm going to take it to heart and curl up with a good book right now.
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