Saturday, September 12, 2009

¿Are You Somebody?

Recently, I taught a class and afterwards a student asked me, if I had resource name to back up a statement I made. I said, “Yes, that resource is me.” He then asked me if I could quote somebody who was famous, a celebrity, or well known. I reiterated, “yes, me.”

He was so shocked that I confidently stood beside my name and my statement. I said yes, I am somebody. You can choose to heed my words or not, the choice is yours. I am my credible source because the story is mine.

He was so startled that I said that I was somebody; he did not have a comeback. I thought to myself that so often we look for validation on who we are from other people.

Boldly and confidently, declare to the world
you know who you are.
You are somebody!

"I am larger, better than I thought. I did not know I held so much goodness."-Walt Whitman


Robin Easton said...

Hi my dear wise friend, It is SOOOO good to be here and read this today. It hit home deeply. I've miss you and had little time for blogging. Regardless, when I read this I felt so empowered and even felt like I was standing there beside you; the energy of this post is THAT palpable. The point you make is vitally important. It is one of those fundamental truths that changes lives. I read this and thought, "Good for YOU!!"

This is a post I'd print out and put on my office wall to be reminded of my birthright. That being, that I already AM someone. That is SO SO beautiful. That you dear wise (and gutsy) soul.

You made my day! No doubt about it. Hugs, Robin :)

Sandra said...

Thnak you, for your kind words. You beautiful soul. You too are wise woman and I KNOW that you are somebody. Continue to shine your light for others. Peace :-)

Ranjith said...

Woke up this morning and am reading this beautiful work. you know? That's a very good perspective of looking at life. We should always never hesitate to stand for our ground!!!
Thanks for making my day...!!!

Athena Marie said...

Very good reminder. Thanks!

Sandra said...

Thanks for your kind words, Ranjith

Sandra said...

Your Welcome Athena Marie