Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wealthy Beyond Compare

I had an interesting conversation with friends recently. As we were kvetching about the state of our personal finances, I said that I needed to work through money issues. My friend gently bitch slapped me into reality and told me how wealthy I was.

As I was forced not to look inside my wallet but into the core of my being, I came to the realization of how true it is. It is so easy to get sucked into the “Ain’t it Awful Club” and participate in the general lamenting of the economy and the ills of the world.

Truth be told it is much more difficult to buck that trend and stand in my truth. I am wealthy when it comes to knowing my purpose in life, pursuing my dreams, and living each day to its fullest.

Yeah, I am wealthy indeed. I thank God for the Abundance of knowing my true self-worth and I am blessed to have friends to call me on it when I steer off course.

Today, I declare to all of you I am spiritually wealthy, my cup overflows, and I give thanks and praise. Peace

Happiness comes from spiritual wealth, not material wealth... Happiness comes from giving, not getting. If we try hard to bring happiness to others, we cannot stop it from coming to us also. To get joy, we must give it, and to keep joy, we must scatter it. ~ John Templeton


VictoriaBuckmann said...

Yes Sandra we are wealthy beyond compare...I need to remember that when life happens and I get off track. I just came from the Ewomens Conf in Dallas and had 40K women loving me! It that ain't wealthy, I don't know what is!!
Love ya Sista!

Victoria Buckmann
Programmed For Wealth.com

Anonymous said...

Having gratitude for what we have makes us content, and that's the greatest wealth.

rugged breed said...

Yeah this is true, when you know what is your worth then you are already wealthy, you are very lucky of you know that God has a plan for each one of us and it is our duty to take actions to make that plan happen, love this post, keep on dreaming keep on believing

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