Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oath of Positivity

I recently spoke to a group of young women on how to be positive in these challenging times. As so many of us have been sucked into "the ain’t it awful club", I thought I would share with them and you what was once given to me when I was a teenager. I hope it inspires you!

Oath of Positivity

as read by Pearl Bailey, Live on NBC By J. Morris Anderson

My physical appearance will always reveal my positive mental attitude toward life.

My head held high will indicate the mental and spiritual strength that lives within me.

My straight, cheerful manner of walking will exemplify the positive direction my life has taken.

My eloquent manner of talking will always relate the positive mental, spiritual and physical forces that reside within me.

My illustrious smile will always express the pleasure I receive from living.

The positive look in my eyes will always indicate the self confidence and positive spirits inside me.


I CAN perform any task;

I CAN sell any product;

I CAN succeed in any job;

I CAN cause any relationship to thrive;

I CAN overcome any obstacle;

I CAN accomplish any objective.

I AM a positive mental, spiritual and physical person.

I AM spiritually capable of succeeding.

I CAN successfully compete on any mental level;

I WILL succeed on any physical level of activity in which I engage.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Empty “Sorries”

Lately the news has been filled with stories about politicians, celebrities, and athletes apologizing for bad behavior or inappropriate comments. It occurred to me that these apologies are empty. The truth is more likely than not, they are sorry they were caught, or sorry that other people didn’t like what they did. These weak apologies are often followed by even weaker excuses for bad behavior. Just once, I would like people to stand behind their bad behavior and not give out an empty sorry.

As a child, I learned this lesson from my mother. She would never accept just sorry as an apology. She would ask the question, “What are you sorry for?” When the question is posed in that manner the truth really comes out. Usually I was sorry that I was caught at whatever I was supposed to be apologizing for but I really wasn’t sorry for what I said or did.

This childhood lesson has really helped me as an adult. A sincere apology comes from the heart. The feeling of remorse and the sense that you caused true emotional pain to another person affects your spirit. When you apologize you should mean it from the core of your being or don’t bother to offer it. Sorry really is the hardest word.

Never ruin an apology with an excuse. ~Kimberly Johnson

Saturday, September 12, 2009

¿Are You Somebody?

Recently, I taught a class and afterwards a student asked me, if I had resource name to back up a statement I made. I said, “Yes, that resource is me.” He then asked me if I could quote somebody who was famous, a celebrity, or well known. I reiterated, “yes, me.”

He was so shocked that I confidently stood beside my name and my statement. I said yes, I am somebody. You can choose to heed my words or not, the choice is yours. I am my credible source because the story is mine.

He was so startled that I said that I was somebody; he did not have a comeback. I thought to myself that so often we look for validation on who we are from other people.

Boldly and confidently, declare to the world
you know who you are.
You are somebody!

"I am larger, better than I thought. I did not know I held so much goodness."-Walt Whitman